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On Thursday, July 25th, the St. Luke’s Family Ministry welcomes young families to a get-together at Clifton Beach for fun and sun.

Details for the event are below:

Time: 5:00pm – 7:30pm on Thursday, July 25th

Location: Clifton Beach 17884 Lake Road Lakewood, OH 44107-1045
Follow the drive down the hill toward the guardhouse. At the guardhouse, just let them know your last name and that you are here for the St. Luke Family Ministry event

Food/Drink: Pizza will be provided, but feel free to BYOB and/or bring a side dish or dessert down. 

Weather: Rain or shine (the outdoor area is covered and there is indoor space).

Parking: There should be enough parking for everyone to park down at the beach, but there may be a chance that some families will need to drop off and then park at the top of the hill. Hopefully not.

Space is somewhat limited so please RSVP to Matt Devitt ([email protected]).

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