Holy Communion
The Celebration of the Eucharist (Mass) is at the heart of Catholic faith. It truly expresses who we are in our relationship with God while forming us into a people destined for glory. We gather each Sunday as a parish family, and throughout the week, to celebrate Mass and receive the body and Blood of Jesus Christ. Sunday Mass is the foundation of parish life and weekly attendance is necessary to a healthy and vital relationship with God for the Catholic Christian.
The reception of Holy Communion is also the third Sacrament of Initiation. It is here that one truly receives Jesus Christ in the sacrament. Have you ever heard the phrase “You are what you eat?” It is in the reception of Holy Communion that we are conformed to Christ Jesus.
Typically, students who are in second grade prepare for the reception of this sacrament.
Please contact, Max Hall at mhall@stlukelakewood.org, or the parish office at 216-521-0184 if you have any questions.