B E R E A V E M E N T   M I N I S T R Y

“I will not leave you comfortless.”   John 14:18



The Bereavement Ministry of St. Luke is called by faith to serve and support those who are grieving the death of a loved one by offering comfort, a listening presence and connection to educational services.


Grief is not only the painful emotional response that we have to loss. It also has the potential to assist us on our path to holiness.

Our Bereavement Ministry at St. Luke’s is here to offer resources and support for those who are grieving and mourning. If you or someone that you know could use the prayers and support of our parish community, please contact Pat Dutko (410) 507-9873 or Mary Sue McGorray (216) 226-5356.


You are welcome to visit the Memorial Garden dedicated August 15, 2020. The garden, located on the northwest corner of the Church, includes a stone bench, patio stones, and a weeping redbud tree, and was dedicated to the memory of those who died during the Pandemic of 2020-2021. It has become a place to pray and remember your loved ones.


Additional information on grief and how you may be able to assist someone who has experienced the loss of a loved one:


You are not alone in your grief. Support groups can be a helpful part of your journey towards healing. Below are some support groups in the area: