Weekly Parish Bulletin

Click on the image of the bulletin cover below to open our latest bulletin.

Submissions to the bulletin should be emailed to [email protected], at least 10 days prior to the date of publication.

Articles will be added to the bulletin based on available space and by relevance.

Upcoming Events

First Saturday Mass & Rosary

February 1 @ 8:30 am

Join us on the first Saturday of every month for 8:30 am mass followed by a rosary for life. All are welcome.

St. Luke Valentine's Day Dinner February 8 | 6:00 pm | McBride Hall Join us on February 8th for a delightful Valentine’s Day Dinner! Our talented resident chef and music director, Lawrence Wallace, along with ...Read More.

Community Meal

February 19 @ 5:30 pm

Community Meal Third Wednesday of the Month Saint Luke – McBride Hall Doors Open at 5:30 pm Dinner at 6:00 pm