Confirmation Preparation

Current preparation for 8th grades for 2024/2025 has concluded.

Current 7th grade students in 2024/2025, will begin their preparation in the Fall of 2025 to receive their confirmation in the spring of their 8th grade year.

Confirmation is a spiritual, sacred and permanent sign or seal that marks the Christian as a witness of Christ through the action of the Holy Spirit.

It is conferred by the bishop or his designated person. In the Diocese of Cleveland students will traditionally begin this period of formation in the 7th grade and continue it through the 8th grade while receiving the sacrament in the 8th grade year. Through this sacrament, the faithful share more fully in the gifts of the Holy Spirit which bring renewed vibrancy to the spiritual life of the person.

The gifts of the Holy Spirit are knowledge, understanding, wisdom, fortitude, right judgment, piety and fear of the Lord.

The gift of knowledge helps to instruct us about God and to appreciate God’s work in the world; the gift of understanding helps one penetrate into the truths of faith; the gift of wisdom helps one make judgments that will help to attain the goal of holiness; the gift of courage or fortitude helps each person boldly to proclaim the gospel; the gift of right judgment or counsel helps the confirmand make right decisions; the gift of reverence or piety inspires gratitude to God for all that was given; and the gift of wonder and awe or fear of the Lord inspires appreciation for the presence of the Lord. The gifts enhance the spiritual life of the confirmand and prepare him or her to be a witness to the world.

To be a “witness” means to behave and speak like Christ.

Through the power of the Holy Spirit the Christian now attends to both the physical and spiritual needs of others. Just as all who are confirmed, so too, the person with mental limitations is called to be a witness to the Lord. People with intellectual/developmental disabilities can be invited to fully give of their own unique virtues. These may be demonstrated through specific acts such as caring for elderly or disabled people in a very loving way. Or, this virtue may be shown in their special style of presence and prayer. The person with intellectual/developmental disabilities is often capable of giving a special uninhibited welcome to the stranger. Or, their gift may be that of prayer offered in a simple, heartfelt manner. People with disabilities are most often seen as objects of service rather than as people who have their own gifts to share. It is through the sacrament of confirmation that the Holy Spirit is let loose in the hearts of people with intellectual/developmental disabilities. Through this giver of holiness they witness both within the church and to secular society.

A Collaborative Program with St. Luke, St. Clement, and St. James Parishes

For 2024/2025 academic year, the parishes of St. James, St. Clement, and St. Luke are coming together to provide a comprehensive sacramental education program to prepare our students for the reception of the sacrament of Confirmation. Most of the programming will take place at St. Clement Parish, however, please make sure to be attentive to the location, as there may be few deviations from this rule.

General Program Outline

  1. Regular Group Meetings – Confirmation Candidates will come together and participate in regular group meetings. These meetings will utilize the Chosen Confirmation Series to help facilitate our sacramental preparation.
  2. Works of Mercy (Service Hours) – Candidate will be asked to participate in a spiritual/corporal work of mercy to the neighbor or community.
  3. Spiritual Reflection – Candidates will be asked to write a reflection based on their act of service/work of mercy.
  4. Confirmation Retreat – For this 2024/2025 year, 8th Grade candidates/year 2 candidates will participate in a Confirmation retreat.
  5. Sponsor Component – Students will work closely with their sponsor over the course of the program.


  • Two Children – $95 (ONLY $75 THROUGH THE FIRST WEEK OF CLASS)
  • Three or more Children – $110 (ONLY $90 THROUGH THE FIRST WEEK OF CLASS)


Payment methods: 

  • Cash – If paying with cash please put payment in an envelope indicating the students name and program.
  • Check – Please make checks payable to St. Clement Church and write the student’s name and program in the memo box.

**Payment for Confirmation is to be made during each year of preparation.
***Financial Aid is available to families in need. Please contact the Parish Catechetical Leader, Max Hall, to arrange for this.
**** If your child is in the Parish School of Religion (Public School Students in grades 1-8) then there is a separate additional cost. Please refer to the respective program page for tuition costs.

Class Cancellation Policy

If the Lakewood City School cancels school for the day then PSR classes/Sacramental Preparation classes will also be canceled. Should a storm arrive late, or inclement weather is forthcoming a notification will be sent to families via email, Remind text notification, and parish social media accounts. Please check the parish website for updates as well.

Notes Regarding 2024/2025 Academic Year:

Registration for this program will open August 1st.

If your child participated in the program last year, we ask that you please register them again for the program for their 8th grade year.

Please pay special attention to the program calendar, and there are varying dates and locations. 

Dates & Location

A calendar with dates and locations will be published on July 15, and can be found in the quick links below.

Contact Information

Max Hall – Parish Catechetical Leader (St. Luke)

Mailing Address: St. Luke, 1212 Bunts Rd., Lakewood, Ohio 44107
Phone: 216-521-0184 ext. 230 (Office), 440-941-3125 (Call/Text)

Colleen Houk – Director of Faith Formation (St. Clement and St. James)

Mailing Address: St. Clement, 2022 Lincoln Ave., Lakewood, Ohio 44107
Phone: 216-226-5116

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