Music Ministry
“Singing is praying twice”
– St. Augustine

The Saint Luke’s Adult Choir is the regular performing group for the 9:00 am Mass on Sunday Mornings. Repertoire includes everything from traditional classical music and Gregorian chant to the more recent church hymns and songs we are all familiar with as Catholics. No prior training or experience is required, just a love of singing and a desire to share your gifts with the community. The choir rehearses every Wednesday at 7:00 pm in the church, and meet at 8:30 am on Sundays before the 9;00 mass. Cantors for all Masses are typically selected from this ensembles, and the adult choir performs at all the major Solemnities as well. Contact Lawrence Wallace, the music director, at the Rectory (216)-521-0184 by email for information about how to join.

The Resurrection Choir provides music at funerals for the deceased members of our Parish. The ensemble rehearses the last Saturday of each month at 1:00 pm. This beautiful ministry provides comfort for those struggling with grief at the loss of a loved one, and is a wonderful opportunity to fulfill our baptismal promise in living the Gospel. Contact Lawrence Wallace, the music director, at the Rectory (216)-521-0184 by email for information about how to join.

The Life Teen Band is a contemporary ensemble that ministers the 5:30 pm mass. The ensemble is by audition only.

The wind ensemble is a regular group of performing instrumentalists that plays at the 9:00 am Sunday Mass and any Solemnities throughout the church year. Rehearsals are on Saturdays at 2:00 pm. Contact Lawrence Wallace, the music director, at the Rectory (216)-521-0184 by email for information about how to join.