Social Action Ministry
Offering of Letters: Advocacy in Action
As people of faith, we are called to care for those who are hungry and vulnerable. Through this year’s Offering of Letters, you can assist in urging Congress to support policies that end hunger in our own communities and around the world. We are especially advocating for full funding of programs like WIC and SNAP, protection of international food aid, and greater investments in global maternal and child nutrition.
Take a moment to use the buttons above to learn more about Childhood Hunger and to participate in the Offering of Letters. Your voice can help bring hope and nourishment to millions.
The Social Action Ministry is guided in all it does by the Gospel, especially Matthew 25; Amen, I say to you whatsoever you did for one of these least brothers of mine, you did for me.
Our work is also guided by the principles of Catholic Social Teaching: life and dignity of the human person, call to family, community and participation, rights and responsibilities, option for the poor and vulnerable, dignity of work and workers, solidarity, and care for God’s creation.
What we do?
We sponsor at least two collection drives a year. These drives help organizations such as the Northeast Ohio Coalition for the Homeless, the Centers, St. Herman’s, Community Meals, etc. We also host educational and interactive programs and experiences that bring awareness of social issues impacting our community and the world. These include the following:
- SocksPlus Drive – Where we collect socks for the homeless. Last year we collected over 900 pairs of socks.
- Lenten Drive
- Teatime for Peace (Meet your Muslim neighbor)
- The Refugee Simulator
- Brought the Homeless Jesus Statue to St. Luke
- Annual International and Fair Trade Fair
Why we do it?
We always keep in mind that the heart of our Social Action Ministry is Love! Love of God and love of neighbor.
When and Where Meet?
We are a ministry of St. Luke Parish, but everyone is welcome to join us! We currently meet at the St. Luke Rectory on the last Monday of the month at 6:30pm. We are always looking for new ideas and projects. And…we would love to meet you.
If you are interested in seeing what we are all about, please contact Max Hall at, or through the parish office.