Eucharistic Adoration

Eucharistic Adoration Hosted by The King's Men - Men's Ministry Spend some quality time with Jesus this summer! He always loves you more than you know. Located in the church.

Grapevine Anniversary Party

Grapevine turns 1 ! Come celebrate one year with free food, drinks, bonfire, yard games, door prize raffle, adoration, DJ and dancing!  

Grapevine: Young Adults

GRAPEVINE Open to Young Adults (Ages 18-30ish) St. Luke Catholic Church Every Thursday 6:45 pm: Show Up 7:00 pm: Discuss 8:00 pm: Socialize Meet by McBride Hall Meets outside weather permitting - bring a lawn ...Read More.

Family Movie Night

Family Movie Night August 20th at LCA After XLT | Approx. 8:20pm - 11:00pm

Cedar Point Trip: Lifeteen & EDGE

Cedar Point Trip Saturday, September 10th Meet at St. Luke's at 8:30 am. Will return approximately 10:00 pm. Cost: $40 / Season pass holders welcome Registration Due by September 6th Contact Joe Costello at ...Read More.

Kindergarten Blessing: Sunday, September 11

A Special Blessing For our Kindergarten students Sunday, September 11 at the 11:00 am Mass Come and have your child receive a special blessing at the start of this school year.   

Lakewood Cluster Parish Picnic

Be sure to join us for the Lakewood cluster parish picnic on Sunday, September 11th from 1 to 5 p.m. on the grounds of our school Lakewood Catholic Academy. It will be a wonderful time ...Read More.

Laser Tag (EDGE & Lifeteen)

Laser Tag (EDGE & Lifeteen) October 6th from 4:45 pm to 8:25 pm | Cost $15 Join with friends to take on the dark at Laser Tag at Arena 51! Learn more and complete the ...Read More.

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