Quilt Makers Needed
We need your help! Looking to get involved? Check out the volunteer need below! St. Luke Quilt Ministry This ministry makes quilts for those people going through cancer treatments. If you would like to ...Read More.
New Parochial Vicar Announced
Welcome, Father Patrick Schultz! In June, Fr. Schultz will be coming to Lakewood to be the parochial vicar of St. Luke, St. Clement, and St. James parishes. As he concludes his current assignment, let's ...Read More.
Prayer for Our RCIA Candidates and Catechumens
Life-Giving Father, you desire that we may be one in Christ, so that all creation may give you praise. Look kindly upon the catechumens and candidates you have called to the table of your ...Read More.
Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord
Outside Chicago, there is a small cemetery in the woods behind Mundelein Seminary, where I was a student. One night I was exploring it. I looked up and was shocked to see an imposing ...Read More.
Holy Week Mass & Service Schedule
Holy Week Mass & Service Schedule Join us this Holy Week to experience Jesus' life, death, and Resurrection. Palm Sunday Saturday, March 23 | 4:30 pm Vigil Mass Sunday, March 24 | 9:00 am ...Read More.
Saint Patrick’s Day Party | Thank you!!
This past Sunday the parish held our annual St. Patrick's Day Party in the gym. The event featured live music, Irish dancing, great food and beverages, and most importantly was an opportunity for us ...Read More.
Lakewood Catholic Men’s Retreat
Lakewood Catholic Men’s Retreat April 6 | 8:00 am – 5:30 pm | St. Luke The King’s Men, Lakewood Men’s Ministry, is hosting a Spring Men’s Retreat on April 6, 2024. Open to all ...Read More.
Lent Approaches | Ash Wednesday Mass & Stations of the Cross Information
Ash Wednesday | February 14th 8:15 am at St. Luke 5:30 pm at St. Clement We are quickly approaching the beginning of our Lenten journey. Our Lenten journey begins with Ash Wednesday on Wednesday, ...Read More.
The Bereavement Ministry of St. Luke is Looking for New Members
The Bereavement Ministry of St. Luke is Looking for New Members "I will not leave you comfortless." -John 14:18 The Bereavement Ministry is made up of people who are dedicated to providi1ng support and ...Read More.
Saint Patrick’s Day Party | Donations & Volunteers Needed!
St. Patrick's Day Party Sunday, March 10th | Noon - 4:00 pm | Gym Entertainment by Mossy Moran with Brady Campbell Irish dancers. Admission is FREE! Please consider sponsoring a table for $150.00 (includes ...Read More.