
Get your Lenten Reflection Book

Pickup a copy at any of the church entrances beginning February 26. A suggested donation of $1 per copy is appreciated to help defray the cost of the books. Thank you!

Giving Tree Thank You!

Thank you so much to everyone who participated in the Giving Tree this year. Every year we have more requests and every year the generous people of our parish purchase every item on the ...Read More.

Centennial Christmas Ornaments

Commemorate our St. Luke Centennial with a stylish, limited edition Christmas ornament featuring the logo. Just $10. Ornaments will be available for purchase after all masses in Advent and available in the Rectory. ALSO ...Read More.

The Week In Review

This past week was certainly a busy one.  On Friday morning we buried parishioner Helen Kilcik.  Please pray for the repose of her soul and the peace and comfort of her family. Congratulations to ...Read More.

Food Pantry Box

The Rotary Club of Lakewood/Rocky River Sunrise has built and donated a Pantry Box to St. Luke as part of their Pantry Box mission of serving those in need. This project is in conjunction ...Read More.

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