Youth Ministry Summer Schedule!
We've got great events planned this summer for junior high and high school students! Outdoor games, outdoor movie night, Cedar Point, The FEST, and more!
The Moral Obligation to Attend Mass
Many of you have heard the news that Bishop Malesic has rescinded the dispensation from attending Mass on Sundays and Holy Days of Obligation. The moral obligation to attend Mass begins once again on ...Read More.
Stained Glass Window Project
Good Morning! I am sending out a brochure regarding our stained glass window project for those who did not receive one this past weekend. We are doing the stained glass window project as part ...Read More.
Worship Guidelines as of June 2
New Worship Protocols Beginning June 2nd It is great that we are finally seeing light at the end of the pandemic tunnel. This allows us to return to some degree of normalcy for our ...Read More.
Exciting News!
We received some great news this week. The CDC is relaxing health requirements and Governor DeWine has indicated that he is lifting all health orders effective June 2nd. We are finally moving toward some ...Read More.
THIS WEEKEND: First Communion, Mother’s Day, Confirmation & King’s Men for Adoration!
So many great things going on this weekend and this coming week. Our second graders will receive First Holy Communion on Saturday. Please pray for them as they prepare to receive the very body, ...Read More.
Pilgrimage to Italy & The Amalfi Coastline
Join Fr. Kevin on a 11-day Pilgrimage to Italy & The Amalfi Coastline! November 8-18, 2021
Returning to Worship Guidelines from Fr. Kevin
Guidelines for Sunday Mass Please note all parishioners are expected to wear a mask, and to socially distance. Please enter the church through the main doors facing Clifton Boulevard. Put on your face mask ...Read More.
Stay Connected with Lifeteen!
LIFETEEN - YOUTH MINISTRY Follow St. Luke’s Youth Ministry on Instagram (@stlukeym (high school) or @stlukejh (middle school) and turn on post notifications. We will be posting regularly and live streaming often to stay ...Read More.
Making Lent Meaningful
If you, or someone you know has been away from the Church, invite them home this Lenten season. Lent is a time to grow in holiness and prepare ourselves to enter into the Paschal ...Read More.